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Naim Statement - Af Merate Shop

Mark Raggett presents the incredible Naim Statement system in the magical setting of the MERATE AF Shop

Naim Statement - Af Merate Shop

Mark Raggett presents the incredible Naim Statement system in the magical setting of the MERATE AF Shop


Once again Af Merate offers us an incredible event

divided into 2 sessions


In the first session. Mark Raggett, Naim Account Manager

And Luca Gombi, product Specialist of Green Sound (Italian Distributor)

presents us with the entire Top of the Range compound system

from Naim Statement Amps, Naim Solstice Turntable

and the Incredible Focal Utopia Maestro Speakers.

A system of incredible level,

a unique opportunity to touch this with your own hands

product range.


But the evening does not end here,

indeed in the second part Alfredo Terenghi and all the staff of AF MERATE,

they had another surprise in store,

a Live journey in the 'Verdian' World,

presented by Master Cominetti

and interpreted by Opera singer Clara Bertella

An incredible event, if you missed it you can relive it

in this 360 Degree Tour

360 Degrees Virtual Tour

Enter the tour for all videos


Julian Vereker,

passionate about music and amplifiers,

founded Naim Audio in 1973 with the aim of creating a better amplifier.

His passion for sound quality and choice of components

of high quality led to the creation of the company's first product, the NAP 200.

During the years,

Naim Audio has continued to produce high quality products,

collaborating with other high-end audio manufacturers

such as Bentleys and Focals. Today,

Naim Audio is considered one of the best audio producers in the world,

thanks to its dedication to quality

of sound and his passion for music.


The Naim Statement

is a high-end power amplifier manufactured by Naim Audio, known for its excellent audio quality and high power output. With an output power of 746 watts,

this amp can handle even the most demanding speakers,

offering a high fidelity listening experience.

The Naim Statement has been engineered with high quality components,

delivering an accurate and natural sound, with an exceptional dynamic range.

Thanks to its modular construction,

this amp is also easy to maintain and upgrade,

offering a long term amplification solution.

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Peter Arfini

I have always lived immersed in the world of Music..

This passion

prompted me to open in Parma

the B-Side Studio,

a mastering studio

that always keeps me in touch

with new technologies and musical trends..

Thanks to the cooperation in recent years

with some realities of the Hifi world in my area,

I thought I'd take this trip with you

called Newfi

Waiting for you on my channels! We will see each other soon

Peter Arfini

Stephen So

Audio Video and Technology

they have always been my passion.

Several years in the world of Live, then in the Shop, finally as Owner of various Realities in the Hifi Field, and Home Cinema.

We wanted to found Newfi to tell how this Audio world is changing, giving a voice to the professionals who are part of it, and going to find new solutions,

new technological choices, selecting what for us is synonymous with innovation.

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Massimo LaVigna

Owner and Distributor of important

 Brands in the Hifi World,

Massimo is also a profound expert

the evolution of the Market e

of Italian companies.

An important guide

to push Newfi further in search

of New Worlds


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